The MA Trade Council along with Chef Christina created a fabulously delicious night at the prestigious Four Seasons in Beverly Hills.
It was a Taste of Malaysia Christmas in Los Angeles. I’ve had the opportunity to get to know Chef Christina Arokiasamy and become familiar with Malaysia cuisine through the Malaysia Kitchen USA program. Before we sat down for dinner, Chef Christina presented a wonderful demonstration using the ingredients and pre packed spices that are now available in the US because of the efforts of the MA Trade Council and Malaysia Kitchen USA. It was a night to heighten the awareness of Malaysia’s strong presence in the US this past year as well as a progress report and a peek at the exciting efforts to come. It was such a special night and great to see press, family, trade council members and special dignitaries all in one room, all supporting one cause. It was definitely a great start to the holidays.
Curry sauces, hot sauces, teas and spices from Malaysia are now available in major grocery stores. For more information on Malaysia Kitchen USA. CLICK HERE
There’s also an article I published in the Huffington Post about the MA Trade Council and Chef Christina’s efforts titled “EatinAsian Chronicles: Malaysia Kitchen USA” CLICK HERE. Please show your support and help us get the word out by liking, tweeting and sharing.