So excited to have Souzi back at Casa de Kimlai to share a recipe she grew up making in Lebanon. 4 ingredients and a pound of shredded carrots. This is one way to eat your veggies. Let’s get cooking.
Grab your ingredients.
Put the carrots and sugar into a saucepan and stir on medium heat for 15-20 minutes. The carrots and sugar will cook down. We used 1lb shredded carrots and 3/4 c. sugar
This is what your carrots and sugar mix should look like. Now we are gonna let it cool down. Working with hot balls doesn’t work. 😂
Add 1/4 c. finely chopped almonds and 4 tbls of unsweetened coconut flakes.
Mix everything up
While Souzi is mixin the goods, I’m preppin the serving tray with super cute mini cupcake liners. You can totally customize for any occasion.
Here’s where the coconut macaroon mix comes in. You’ll need it to coat your beautiful carrot balls. The flakes have a different texture and don’t look as put together. So use flakes in the mix and the coconut macaroon mix to coat.
Bam!!! Balls taste best when you make ahead of time and let em sit in the fridge a bit. Also you guys, you can substitute honey for sugar but cook time will vary.
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